Books (Best read in Internet Explorer)

Author: Faith Maydwell
Title: Sight Reading Skills: A Guide for Sight Reading Piano Music Accurately and Expressively
Publisher: New Arts Press of Perth
Edition: Revised Edition
Pages: 56
Size: W210mm x H297 mm
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9577027-3-8

"The book really does cover this dark topic of piano pedagogy in thorough depth and detail....."
Piano Journal - Winter 2006 (Read the review)


Author: Faith Maydwell
Title: Piano Teaching: A Guide for Nuturing Musical Independence
Publisher: New Arts Press of Perth
Edition: First
Pages: 96
Size: W210mm x H297mm
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9577027-2-1

An approach to help the teacher maintain freshness and spontaneity. The book prioritises the guiding of students to a place of good decision making and musical maturity.

"I have savoured reading this book because it is unpretentious, easy to read and a valuable resource for both experienced and inexperienced teachers. It also has a terrific bibliography."
Western Australia - Summer 2007
Read PIANO JOURNAL Review 2007


Nurturing Musical Independence
Lecture presented to the 29th European Piano Teachers Conference 2007.
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